Monday, January 21, 2008

10 rules to date me.. the other day in my usual jobless glory i met up with one of my friends and one thing led to another and somehow we ended up talking about all the stupid couples we i made up my mind..and these are the rules i am gonna impose if ever "see" some guy!

1.the guy has to live at least 3 kms away from home and not be in my in case we break up i don't have to see his wretched face until i am in my senses again.

2.not talking on the phone more than an hour ok maybe two. (how can anyone stand the same person's voice the whole day is beyond me!) issuing fatwas! look i don't care if you don't like my friends i like them, make your peace with them. more than 2 dates a week. i have other work as well.

5.if my phone bills go above 500 a month, the guy has to pay!

6.make peace with the fact that i will be seen with other guys because lets face it, i have lots many guy friends.

7.don't expect me to tell the guy every little thing.i forget stuff quite easily.and by the way for that i have many best friends and boyfriends seldom make best friends.

8.i can't stand stupid nicknames so please refrain. no i am no ones coochi-co or honey pie or kiddo.

9.i don't like whiners..please don't load me with 500 problems, i have my own.

10.oh and i like surprises. just so everyone knows. =)

so yeah that's it. if i think of anything else i'll add


Anonymous said...

# 7 is very insightful!

Unknown said...

nice.. this can serve as a good material for my life's notice board! :)