Saturday, February 27, 2010

dont know what to write.

i am so out of my element its crazy! i think of writing but i simply cant. nothing gets to me. so while i am really bored i just thought I'd write something. so we went to Lonavala a few weeks ago, you know just kinda a day trip. Friday morning we decided on it and on Saturday off we went! poor Darshan, he planned the whole thing, injured his leg on Friday, and couldn't come. it was hanging out kinds. oh but the fun we had! also i gave my LONG pending birthday treat there.

this week it was treat time for rest of the people, namely - Krupa, Hersh, Darshan and Satya. pending since November! after so much wait it rather be good so, we went to hard rock cafe. madness unfolded. (cousins, i am no DHEELI) by the time those waiters got on the platform to do their YMCA dance i was so much in the dancy-mood that i wanted to join them! which i couldn't so i danced near our table! yaay to me!

so as of now i don't have anything else to add. let me me get back from Coorg (going on 3rd march) maybe then I'll have more to share.


P.S: by the way i came across this charity "30 dollar finance" via a friend, you guys should check it out. only kicker is they don't have a credit card facility yet, still you can contribute via checks or paypal. (