Friday, December 12, 2008
my buddiiesss!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
obsessive listenting list!
Our truth- Lacuna Coil
Hot and cold- Katy Perry
Nothing ever hurt like you-James Morrison
Shine-Take That
Feeling a moment-Feeder
7 things-Miley Cyrus
Living in a world without you-Rasmus
Mar jaawan,
Kuch khaas-Fashion
I hate this song-Secondhand Seranade
Devil town-Bright Eyes
This is the life-Amy MacDonald
You're all that i have-Snow Patrol
Heart shaped box-Nirvana
Sweet sacrifice-Evanscence
I dare you to move-Switchfoot
Long night-The Corrs
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
peace rally!
it was quite an experience, signed on the protest boards, lit candles, held one till it got over, observed young India at its most active. would have put up some pictures but its on Rushita's cell. =(. went to ayub's after that beacuse "you cannot go home without going to ayub's when you are in south Bombay". had an awesome panner tikka roll.
came home alone in the cab because i thought the trains were not too safe to travel at 10 in the night! caught the new taxi, indica one. i thought i'll be bankrupt coming home in a taxi given the horrible traffic at matunga, but nah, took a few shortcuts and got home within a 100 buck note!
till my next adventure! cya
Sunday, November 30, 2008
and so it ends...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
day 8
i do things which i am not supposed to, i have made a habit out of it! like my recent stint with sitting in a room full of people with wet mehndi, and now i had a major allergic reaction! last time i did that, i had boils on my nose, this time around its been a little less harsh with me, i just had horrendous body ache and my eyes got swollen, thats it! so i spent most of the morning sleeping, missing most part of the "mandva" ceremony. i mean i will have to wear a gas mask when they apply mehndi on my wedding!
all the assorted uncles and aunties had lost it, on top of the list was my dad. they greeted everyone who entered the house with a random obscure gujju song! EVEN ME! oh and everyone ragged Nirali bhabhi today. (there are two niralis in my family, for those who didn't know, one me and one my first cousin's wife). reached home like 4 in the afternoon and then went of to sleep on account of my eyes and body ache. it got better by late evening.
dinner part was fun! first of all played with Bhagya again. today i even fed him his dinner. Spiderman style! oh the joke of the day: someone apparently told Nita aunty that i was engaged! when she told us (me and mom) that, we both started laughing so hard, i swear my lungs were gonna fall off!
that apart, they had arranged for one guy to come to make us play games. that was SUPER fun! there was this one game where you were supposed to answer unrelated to the question asked to the person to your right. basically lie. I WON! so now i am award winning liar. my golden quote was "mari mummy char varas ni che" (my mom is 4 yrs old) and "mara ghar ma bhoot che" (my house has a ghost in it). so earned 500 bucks yay! the second game was complicated one, which Mansi didi won. yeah there was a part where Herin bhai forgot he was married! Anu bhabhi said she is going to make him write imposition stating "i am married to Anuja" a 100 times. =)
we kept reminding Mansi didi that she was getting married today, so everyone was asking her what is her last wish for the day, she said don't let me marry tomorrow in the most sarcastic way! but Dhaval bhai had other ideas, he suggested "lets get male strippers for you," i was like "yeah! goody!!", then i got a stare and a quick answer saying, "dude you are not 21 yet", i said "one year is ok yaar, what!" he says "ok then its fixed, raat ko 12.30 Krishnalaya terrace, we'll tell Moni we are going for samayak =P" this obviously didn't happen. =(
then i reached home, that is when Kunal bhai asked for the net, because he had received some biodatas he was supposed to read. so here we were going through biodatas of my prospective bhabhis. lets see how that goes.
tomorrow is the big day! then i am going to study, promise! so i am going to wear a Saree in the morning wedding part, this time its maroon and ochre, and in the reception, a full length black gown (thanks again to Nipa didi for the gorgeous thing, i LOVE your choice). i will put up pics in the blog post about tomorrow. tomorrow have to get up like at 7 (sucks) so let me sign off now, till tomorrow.
keep smiling and stay safe...
Friday, November 28, 2008
day 7
on the home front, Mansi didi's sangeet was canceled keeping in mind the current safety concerns and as a form of our pleadge of alliance to Mumbai. so a low key affair was held at the house to get the "seekh" from the groom's side. then Mansi didi's mehndi was being applied. and bridal mehndi's are plain awesome, even though they give me a fit of sneezes every time. (i am allergic to nilgiri they put in mehndi). it was fun to pull her leg, and she could do nothing about it. bwhahahahaha!
my dad's best friends daughter, Chandani's sangeet however was held as per as schedule, to show that no terrorism can dampen out spirits, that life must go on. they had a theme of Saree and cocktail gowns, "Oscar night". everyone looked pretty in their gowns and dresses. my mom thought i looked "hot" even though i looked pretty much bloated up! lol...thanks to Nipa didi for the dress i was wearing. love you sweetie! oh they had question and answer round for who knew the bride and groom, one question, if you get it right you get a prize. i won a prize in that! i knew what college Chandani studied in. hehehehe!

Deepti aunty (Chandani's mom) had arranged a catwalk competition for females, males and couples. we didn't know but it seemed we were contestants, me and Moni both. yeah also my parents for the couple category. as it is world renowned that i am dead scared of stage or anything to do with people staring at me, i was petrified at the prospect of catwalking! turns out i did well. according to my dad first time i didn't look nervous on the stage. yay! turns out my practising self confidence talks in front of the mirror worked! though i didn't win, my confidence is totally on a high.
there was dance and there was food. other than pretty much normal for a sangeet night. and yeah a few cute guys here and there, the catwalk helped in locating them =P
tomorrow is Mansi didi's "mandava" ceremony, other than that pretty much a free day. cya tomorrow!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
day 6
my day started dull with all the heart wrenching stories about the blasts and firings. was alone most of the morning as my parents were out on family duty and sister out of studies. i tried studying but my mind was just not there. in the evening we had a quiet mehndi ceremony at Krishnalaya terrace. i decided against putting mehndi on my hands for 2 reasons: 1) i hate the smell and 2) it would look horrid with my evening dress. but went instead with putting mehndi on my feet! it looks awesome let me tell you that!
it went pretty smooth. had dahi puri and bhel and yes kulfi. oh and i made friends with one of the hottest boys ever - bhagya. he is Mikul bhai's friend's son. and he is such a cutie. oh yeah he made an exception of me and Moni, because he usually doesn't talk to girls. we danced together, he loves rock on! =)
later me, Moni, mom and dad were in full form! we did garba continuous for quite sometime. yes i do know i have really limited skills in the matter but still i managed, thank you very much. then all the cousins and their friends were holed up in Mikul bhai's room waiting for the clock to show 00:00. right when the comedy news channel, India TV showed 00:00 we all wished them a really happy 4th anniversary. it was fun!
tomorrow's programme is not known yet, they might cancel the sangeet keeping in mind the current scenario, lets see. i hope situation gets better for all those are affected directly by the tragedy which is now pegged as the worst terrorist attack on Indian soil. we shall stay strong. for them, for our country. i hope to donate blood, doing a little what i can for my fellow countrymen. jai hind.
till tomorrow..stay safe.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
day 5
she goes home to find out she doesn't have Nokia PC suit. so at 10.30 she calls me up to go to Krishnalaya to do something-anything so that they get sent asap. i go there, and inspite of 50 Nokia cellphones at home but she doesn't have a Nokia CD! so we put it on download. and then went on a chocolate search! i found this half eaten bar of crunch. i did the needful. i completed it. =)
oh then Mansi didi did her "it doesn't feel like i am going to get married in 4 days!" trust me she repeated this at least 15 times! then we did silly girl-giri. me and Mansi didi had both lost it. oh and i discovered i am lighter than her.hehehehehehe! we somehow managed e-mailing the invites despite the upload and net troubles. it was almost 11.45. so i told Mikul bhai to drop me. finally i reached home at 12! AND then the day ended.
onward with the 5th day. nothing to do. didn't even take a bath today. didn't move from my bed. lazy day but i did do a bit of studying so yay!! yeah also started a little novel kinds. i was watching this movie called "miss potter" got inspired! =)
so that's it for today...i am going back to my lazying!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
day 4
once that was done which took about exactly 10 mins, we were off to some random place to shop for my outfit for the sangeet. i am so out of panjus! trust me when i tell you i own exactly 3 of them! well not anymore. bought 3 more. so total haul of 6..yaay!!
my outfits done, we had to go to buy dad some. so we went to some shop in Sewree, its owned by my dad's friend so we decided to try it. after the selection of 3 "jabha lehngas", one of which i made him buy forcefully because i loved it, my dad went into history mode. he took a special detour to show us the old family office which used to be somewhere in Sewree, which i didn't even know. and it turns out my dad used to sit there till i was 10! and i have visited it once. i wonder why i can't remember it.
then came home. so thats' about it for today. lets see whats in store for tomorrow. till then ciao! keep smiling..
Monday, November 24, 2008
day 3
other than that i read 10 pages of study related stuff, went for dress fitting, and slept 6 hrs! tomorrow's plan is simple as of now. go to consulate and submit application packet, get a dress for the sangeet, and hopefully study. lets see how much i do of the following.
till next time...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
day 2
so anyways. i was at the house early and decided to be a good girl and helped Leena aunty with the serving of the snacks and giving welcome drinks etc to Tejal's family. oh yes, i was the official photographer as well! i was juggling three cameras at a time - mine, Herin bhai's and Chandrakant uncle's! this ceremony's food included nice idlis, jalebis (which i don't eat) and fruit juice yay!
then within an hour we rushed to Intercontinental for the Sunny bhai wedding. (oh i did try to get my car out of the parking when we were gonna leave chunnu. Octavia's gears suck. i want an automatic car. is anyone listening?) it was in the Majestic ballroom on the lower atrium. it was really good. everyone was dressed like royalty and there were people with "shenai" and that one instrument that we usually see in Marathi folk songs. the bride came in, in a doli. beautiful it was. oh yeah and they had mousse cakes in 3 flavours on the menu with blue chocomint ice cream. =)
somewhere in the middle of the whole ceremony i babysitt-ed Pinky didi's cute daughter Sia while she was sleeping. really i would give anything to be sleeping that peacefully without any care in the world. it was kinda fun because i hardly attend weddings since past 4-5 years. though me and Moni were pretty disappointed that there was no cute guy to comment on. =( . by the time it got over everyone was REALLY tired. we just wanted to go home!
somehow we did reach home by 5. god bless my dad for the car i can sleep in. i reached home and straight i was on my bed. i can't even remember at what point i went into a deep sleep. but my sleep didn't last. i had to get up at 7 to get ready for yet another function. a movie and dinner party!
so Kamlesh uncle is friends with the owner of the Versova Cinemax. he booked the whole Red lounge for us for a special screening of Yuvraaj, celebrating the upcoming wedding of Chandani. dress code was casual party. so scanned my cupboard for a something and stumbled upon this black top i haven't worn since years. so got my dress on and by 7.45 we were out of the house to reach Versova. travelling uneventful. reached there, met Chandani and her fiance Bhavin, Bhoomi, Anusha and her sister, and of course Kamlesh uncle and Dipti aunty. not to mention all my dad's friends and their kids.
oh yeah food was on the house. so was the popcorn and coke! movie by it self was not that great, Salman Khan absolute overacting, Zayed Khan i have no words, i can do better acting. really! but Anil Kapoor was good. and i loved Katrina's dresses! and by the way just warning only two songs of the movie are good, rest all are real torture.
was back at home at 2. super tired. and straight to bed. yes finally i have a day off Monday, and i really need to study. haven't touched books in a week. oh man!
keep smiling!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
day 1
yeah so now on since this is THE wedding season i thought I'd give updates and my observations. i am going to be attending 3 weddings in this week. tomorrow Sunny bhai's wedding, and then Mansi didi wedding on 30th and Chandani's wedding, which i might miss cause its on the same day as Mansi didi's (though i am attending rest of her functions).
my wedding week started today with Mansi di's "lagan lakhwani vidhi". it was to start at 9.30 but i got up at so anyways. i did tried my best to take less than 45 mins in bath. don't look at me with those eyes. i usually take 10 mins but i had to wash my crazy hair! so me and Moni somehow reached there around 9.50 and rest as they say is the boring vidhi!
all aunties crooned to "mari benni" or something like that, (its some sort of a gujju wedding themed song) while i was gulping one glass after another of the great OJ! then food. OMG don't even remind me. it was awesome! best part about the wedding season is the food.
there was rasgula rabdi (awesome), some aloo preparation (yum), samosa (heavenly) and my fave white and yellow khaman!!!! other than food, there was an aunty convention sort of thing going on, where in all the aunties gather and comment on my sister's "annu" or the bridal trousseau. and yes my mom made me sit through the entire thing wanting to know what and which gold set i liked and why. =|
so tomorrow i have to get up even earlier.
9 o'clock: Dhaval bhai-Tejal's god dhana thingy
10 o'clock: run to Intercontinental for the Sunny bhai wedding. hectic!
I'll keep you guys posted!
Monday, November 17, 2008
my personality//
"You are exceptional and unique. There's really no way to categorize someone with all of your diverse talents. You are fun, spontaneous, clever and interesting. People like to be around you because of your easygoing nature. Underneath the relaxed exterior, you are passionate and intense and always keeping an eye out for that special someone who can return your affection with anywhere near the same focused attention that you easily give.
You like to wake up each morning without a plan and see where the day takes you, hopefully on some safe but relatively exciting adventure. You are artistic and excel in composition. You know what looks good together, what sounds good together, and what smells or tastes go together. This comes from a higher than normal tuned in attention to slight variations in colour, texture, tone, and flavour. You like to see everyone living harmoniously and can get irritated by whoever is currently rocking the boat and causing problems. When faced with a problem you are most likely to solve it in the most obvious way, not implementing cumbersome standard methods or finding what is 'socially acceptable' first.
Most people you interact with do not really know you. This is partially because of your reserved nature (you don't tell them much), partially because most other types are less reserved (they spend too much time talking and not enough asking about you), and partially because you accept people the way they are (you don't feel much of a need to correct and evaluate others, so people don't realize how you think differently).
In fact, you have more interest in expressing yourself physically, through song, dance, or actions, than verbally, and you may give up too quickly when someone asks for a verbal explanation of your thoughts.
As a leader or parent you are non-directive, preferring to see what happens on its own rather than lay down strict procedures and give orders. To you it is understood that any procedures developed by necessity today disappear tomorrow unless they are still absolutely required.
If you become difficult or cranky it is usually a result of someone else trying to impose some rule or boundary upon you personally, although your discomfort is almost always short lived and relatively painless for all involved.
You are sexy and seductive. You are always either in a romantic relationship, looking for a romantic relationship, or juggling multiple romantic relationships. Romantic interactions came much more naturally to you than to others and began at an earlier age. You also became naturally comfortable with your naked body far earlier than most other people, generally before turning twenty. When you meet anyone new of the gender you're attracted to, you are instantly evaluating whether or not this person could provide you with an intense and potentially sexual experience, and your interest in getting to know that person is strongly influenced by that evaluation.
When you go to a party you look around the room for anyone who catches your attention, and if your eyes meet with someone attractive there is no doubt that the two of you will be talking before long. It is intensity in your interactions which drives you. The success or failure of an event, in your mind, depends mostly on whether you spend time with someone who focuses your attention.
No matter how reserved you are in any other aspect of your life, you really enjoy sex, you play with sex, and it comfortably and enjoyably happens early and often in your relationships. There is a sexual, flirtatious edge to most of your friendships, and the vast majority (if not all) of your friends are of the gender which you are physically attracted to.
You recognize and enjoy items of higher quality and can find a lot of joy in the items of that type which you own. You sometimes buy things that you don't really need, or too much of things that you do need. You are likely to choose a few items, like your living space, automobile or vacation travel and spend your money there while living with quite average items in the areas that don't matter as much.
You aren't motivated by money as strongly as other people are, and you are satisfied and happy with life even if you aren't rich. You realize that being passionate about something or someone is more important than having financial backing.
Your level of conformity to any group is always negotiable. You maintain your individual personality in any group and notice when people pressure you to conform. As a teenager you exhibited anti-social behaviours, and as an adult you've learned tact, but in your heart you still prefer intense time with one other person, or time completely alone, to time with any particular large social group of people.
You have a deep, philosophical side which few people really get to know. You are constantly growing and evolving, always working to become the most authentic version of yourself. You live by pure, simple values and they're evident in every action you take.
Because of your pure, honest goodness, anyone would be lucky to have you as a partner. You are rare and unique, and your final match is just as unusual. You are truly the perfect romantic partner. To you a relationship is about getting to know each other and love each other's quirks. You ace at making people feel comfortable in your presence.
While other people are out judging each other and looking for reasons to disqualify a potential mate, you're enjoying the differences you encounter and offering endless affection to whomever you're considering. It's ironic that as accepting and loving as you are, your final match is so difficult to find. Other people simply have different priorities, and you deserve someone who will put you first and love you unconditionally in the same way that you naturally do for them. People with hearts as big as yours are few and far between.
You are not inclined towards desk work, although you'll take low-stress desk work over high-stress anything if given the choice. While you can survive in a corporate environment as well as anyone, you prefer hands-on practical work like building, fixing or creating something you can see, touch, taste or hear. You prefer work which is not fixed to a procedure, but which may, at any time, take an entirely new direction if the impulse hits you. Since you're interested in everything you're more likely than other types to end up in a job which you 'fell into' because there happened to be an opening and you were available than other types who are more specialized because their interests are narrower. But when it comes to where you'd like to be, there's no doubt that you want something fun, with fun people where you don't have to stress or be bored.
You love to be entertained, and you hate to be bored. You're likely to spend more time seeking out really good entertainment than most other people, but you're more forgiving about identifying the best qualities of each movie regardless of whether it really connected with you or not. You like entertainment to be upbeat, so you're more likely to switch between the Comedy channel and the Learning channel than to catch up with the evening news."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
an ode to ipod nano....
the day i lost it, my world came crashing down like a grandest tragedy of my almost 20 yr life. i thought ok i did it. i thought now I'll have to live my life without an ipod. *does a little more melodrama, cleans a tear of nostalgia*
that was almost a month back from now. my parents told me they wont give me another one at least until next year. i was heart broken but i knew i deserved that. my family and my cousins found it hard to believe that i was living without it so long. they took a pity on my ipod-less existence and somehow convinced my dad to buy me another one, abiet a little downgraded.
i never knew when he researched it and ordered it from my cousin in the US and how he managed getting the info how much memory i required and what colour. lets give thanks to Chintan bhai for uglofy-ing the info out of me. even though i went from 30 gb to 16 gb. it doesn't matter. my music is with me again. i don't have to stare out of my window in the train any longer because i had nothing else.
he gave it to me on Diwali day. best Diwali gift ever! now my third ipod is gonna live like a king. best cover, and my best care. the thing i love about my ipod is, one: the colour. steel grey and black. two: shake to shuffle (trust me its super fun!). three: hold button. seriously its small and cute disc shaped. four: no fingerprints when i touch it. yay! lastly, the shape and size. its so thin and sleek, it gets in the pockets of my tightest pants without shoving it!
long live parents. you guys are cool! mwaah!
p.s: they actually are. i lost my ipod and then got my belly pierced both in a span of two weeks still i got a new ipod! it thought there would be a world war after my belly piercing stunt. i love them!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
effing exams!!!!!
yeah good part is, no exam on or anywhere within 2 days before and after my birthday...yay! this time i am going to be actually having fun on my 20th! and lottttttts of holidays before both my worst subjects. i kind of like my time table but i wonder how much i am going to use the holidays to actually study!
even if you don't understand what the short forms mean of my subjects its ok. neither do i. =p
11th Dec - BMI
16th Dec - μP
20th Dec - PCS
27th Dec - MI
7th Jan - Maths 5
don't forget to wish me luck. =p
Monday, November 3, 2008
take a bow
so suddenly i am a Leona Lewis fan. shes this awesome brit singer with a powerful voice. past few weeks while i was Ipod-less, i had been going through my song library which by the way is now 14 gb huge! i ended up stumbling on her songs. it happens to me, there are many songs on my library i've never heard, sourced from friends and friends of friends. =)
so back to the topic. this song just caught me. lyrics ok not my style of song writting, i prefer happier themes, but music and her voice blew me! you have to listen to belive the awesomeness of her talent! for the past week or so only thing i am singing is this song called "take a bow" it doesnt have a video (that i know of) so might have missed it on the tv. her other song "bleeding love" is equally amazing.
so the lyrics...
Along with your letters
They will never see the light of day
Cause I'll never take them out
and there's no turning back
it's for the better
baby I deserve more than empty words and promises
I believed every thing you said and I gave you the best I had
So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love.
All you gave me was pretend
so now
Take a bow
The future's about to change
Before you know it the curtain closes
Take a look around
There's no one in the crowd
I'm throwing away the pain
And you should know that your performance
it Made me stronger now
So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love.
All you gave me was pretend
so now
take a bow
Well it must have been sleight hand
Cause I still can't understand
how I could never see
Just what a fool believed
but the lies they start to show
tell me how it feels to know right now
that I wont be around
so baby before I put you out
[Chorus: x2]
take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you
gave me was pretend
so now
Take a bow
take a bow
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
smells like teen spirit!
so suddenly i was in college and asking anyone and everyone if they will come with me to get my belly pierced. most of them gave me looks that suggesting "its just a moment of madness, you'll get over it" but not Shivani. she was actually more excited about it then i was! so it was fixed that Sunday we go and get my navel pierced. but then certain people found out about the apparent dangers of the piercing and asked me to shut the beep off because i need to work and you have to supposedly take rest for a minimum of 2 days after the piercing. so plan postponed to Friday, 17th October 2008.
that date goes down in history as the day i got my wish fulfilled. ok just one of the many outrageous ones that i have. i had given a hint to my mom that i might do this, but i guess looking at her face the next day after the piercing, that she had obviously taken that as a joke! in any case, lets relive the Friday. so in the morning i had journal correction day. which thankfully got over by afternoon. so i took along Darshan (because Riddhi said you may encounter freaks) and Shivani (because she was so excited and i was happy that someone at least was really happy that i was doing this). before leaving Darshan stated, "even though i am coming with you doesn't mean that i approve of this." i was like yeah ok. Jinal gave me 500 promises, like take care of the piercing, do exactly what the piercing guy tells you about the after care, don't over work yourself etc.
so then we left, in a rick. it was a long way. and yes let me confess i was a bit nervous. the whole way we were irritating Shivani. that did ease me. on reaching the salon, my head said to me "this is it. turn back now if you have second thoughts" well i didn't. so i went in. and in 20 mins i was out with a spanking new piercing! i am telling you, you have to see it! its super awesome! i love it. really!
so that night i showed it to my mom. i expected shouting and are you mad chants. but i was disappointed. all she said was , "for this you wasted a grand?" with the most ridiculously sympathetic look. the part about dad comes like a day and a half later. i told my dad on Saturday night. he was pretty much repulsed. "i want it removed this instant" he shouted. but i am a stubborn ass. everyone knows that. i told him " do what you want, i am not removing it. i love it!" and went back to bed. although now i don think it bothers him.
next day we had a cousins lunch thingy. i showed it to them as well. all of them love it. Anu bhabhi said "you are a complete hippie!" and Mikul bhai, "lets get a tattoo done!!"
that's in my plan. next year for sure. hes sponsoring it. yes its awesome to be me.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
rekindling my old romance!
today i downloaded it. as they say Internet has everything! i just googled it. now since i cant play minesweeper on my laptop I'm shifting to my old love. pac-man! my skills are rusty but i am working on it. lets see how fast i beat Krupa's high score. methinks its going to take a LONG time!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
the dandia night!!

ohk so on 1st October - me, Darshan, Mruganshi, Rushita, Siddhi and Chintan went for dandia. at first road Parla, nothing too fancy. actually me n Darshan are working on a stupid MI project which we have to submit on Monday. so all of us went to his house right after lunch to work on our project. while all the other females slept peacefully we slogged our butts on making a presentation on ultrasound! it was quite done till 5.30ish.
despite being jobless after that we ended up being late for the event because Rushita madam had to put on full costume of "chaniya choli". in any case we made it there till 9. by the way in Mumbai everything is officially supposed to end at 10. for one hour we girls needed a pass since guys had a season pass already. after gathering all known sources we finally had passes to go in by 9.15. then garba begin which i totally suck at! so moving a little of what i knew while making sure i don't get stamped upon was kinda weirdly fun.
somehow the organizers managed way past 11.30. but then we were hungry..really! so off we go to Bajaj road to have gola despite me having a little temperature and bad throat. yum it was. so anyways our dinner was still pending. we went back to amar and had the most amazing cheese tawa pulav in the world. (i didn't have anything because after i dance i just cant digest food!). it was already something around 12.30.
all the girls were supposed to come to my home and originally it was planned that we'll take a rick and go just like last year. but alas Chintan and Darshan opposed and took us at Darshan's house to collect our bags and take car keys to drop us at my house. so at 1 in the night we reached Santacruz only to realize Mr.Darshan lost his drivers we couldn't have possibly stayed over at his house (those of you who know my dad can understand that part). nevertheless both of them dropped us without a driver's license. that night i reached home at 2!
i am so sure my dad wanted to shout on me. but he didn't. because i brought along friends. thank god! and come on its not like i went secretly to meet some random guy right? it was fun! next morning all of us (except me) got up way past 11. i am a good girl i got up at 7.30! talk about fun night!
Friday, September 19, 2008
my favourite place!
so i love simply walking. that's what i did. its almost like 1.3 kms long. i walked the whole way and back. it was so peaceful. i totally recommend it. also its NEVER crowded. after Tuesday i think i went there thrice already. me armed with my trusty ipod go for walks whenever i get the chance. if u are in Mumbai, i would really suggest you to go there. preferably alone. spend time with yourself, you'll love it.
oh and by the way, next time if anyone cant find me most, you know where to start searching. just so you know. =)
Monday, September 8, 2008
i am an addict..
it started on Friday, i was hungry. so i raided the fridge to find butterscotch ice cream. *claps in delight* single handedly had half a liter of the whole thing when my mother barged in to take rest of my ice cream supply. then as usual college. evening i return, again to find myself super hungry, again what do we do? we have ice cream, the remaining part of the whole family pack! never mind the fact next day i was so sick with runny nose and ice cream hangover, also the fact my mom blasted on me.

so Saturday went. (oh common i get a sick leave!) Sunday came and yet again my stomach ached to have ICE CREAM! this time it was specific. raspberry dolly. nothing else will do. evening while i was out with friends, went to Hiramani only to find they were out of raspberry dollies. so had chocobar instead. but I HAD TO HAVE RASPBERRY DOLLY! so went to another store dragging Krishma and Jaini. and there they raspberry dolly! oh i am telling you, the feeling is priceless to have ice creams 2 in a row!
well i am me. so it doesn't stop here. just half an hour ago, i got myself another ice cream despite the fact i had one 2 hrs ago! =)
i am hoping to stop this but oh gosh I JUST LOVE ICE CREAMS!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
why i love beaches....

1.i am a full-on water baby. if u put me in water trust me you'd have to pull me out!
2.i love playing with sand. really.
3.walking barefoot in beach sand is totally awesome. i once went barefoot in dirty juhu beach sand willingly!
4.that salty sea smell, oh it gives me a high. can i ever forget the heavenly beach winds... *lost in thoughts*
oh god now i will have to pull someone or the other to take me to beach...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
ok i know i never write a day blog but i cant help it, this one i HAVE to put up! so supposedly us cousins were going to go to Lonavala which we didn't, wanna know why!? I'll tell you why, because my awesome cousins came home at 5 in the morning and were sleeping till 12! that said and done, Neha didi was at Dharmashanti, as she was going to leave for US in a day, she decided on celebrating raksha bandhan a week early.
so all my brothers in their night dresses at noon gathered at 101. rakhi wakhi done, Twisha ma'am painted Dhaval bhai and Herin bhai's face with kanku! hehe that was fun. and i got a cadbury celebration pack for nothing! we sat did time pass then i was back at home to sleep some more, because unlike my other cousin i did not sleep till 12!
while i was sleeping my parents and sister went off to shop for Moni madam's shoes. i grumbled a bit but then we have phone and dad pays bills so i was off phoning people talking random stuff. at around 8 Herin bhai called up,"nirali we are going bowling, get ready in five minutes" good i didn't make Maggie! i was just about to!
then i got ready etc in 5 minutes flat only to discover get ready in five minutes actually means take an hour. finally somehow we left home at 9. the original idea was to go to phoenix and have dinner at Bombay Blues and then CO's. but on crossing kings circle, plan abruptly changed and suddenly we were discussing from going to Flamboyante to Intercontinental to McDonald's to god alone knows where not! trust me when you are with Nipa didi and Dhaval bhai you never know where you are heading until you reach!
while everyone was busy suggesting random places me n Anuja bhabhi were laughing like mad people discussing how she does melodrama when ordering food! "if u don't send food on time, I'll faint! i am so hungry" i am so sure the subway guy near her work place knows by now who the crazy lady is! finally we were going to Flags which is this all cuisine restaurant at colaba-churchgate somewhere in town.
on getting there, we waited for a while to get a table. after the table, ordering the food is different story all together! i think we took about 15 minutes just to order the appetizers! there were polls and votes on what to order. but it was fun! though most of us didn't like all the food, i liked the pasta and hummus platter! it was fun owing to the fact my older cousins actually consider me now as an adult! =)
while returning back which was about 12 in the night, we had naturals ice cream and then again two of my crazy cousins started lets go lonavala now. long drive! guess what they did go! lol
Nipa didi + Dhaval bhai = deadly confused characters' combination!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
week that was....
other than that, i made my resume! (for my college communication class) with a little help from a friend, because lets face it, i am horrible at writing cover letters and the sections which involve goals in life!
last week also i was up at JW Marriott for one day two nights. so my cousin,Nipa has come to India for a work thingy and she gets accommodation at JW, so i had basically gone to give her company. oh we saw karishma kapoor sans makeup on Sunday morning! you can imagine two cousins meeting after a long time how cool would that be. we caught up with our lives and both nights didn't sleep before 4 in the morning!
Sunday we went to santacruz for Indian wear shopping and ended up sitting 5 hrs in seasons (which happens to be Nipa Di's favorite store!) we actually reached there late because both of us got up at 12 on Sunday den half and hour each in the bathroom, actually me 15 mins, her an hour! finally went for lunch at 2 to pizza hut, but the catch was there was tooooooo much line. thank god we were just two of us, so got table easily..
that night Dhaval bhai also came over, while both of them went for a movie, i was room alone from 10 to 2! called up friends, went online n also roamed around the hotel, well i had the key didn't i! =)
rest of the week was a blur. mostly attending college and making charts (i am the creative head of my dept student committee by the way) and being online! so much from me..
till later!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
one week into coll
right at the start of the new academic year our professors who take us to be super-humans loaded us with a few assignments and presentations. what fun! *sarcastic smile* but we are we, so on the second day of college we bunked a lecture to see THE DARK KNIGHT and boy am i glad! what a movie it is! well about the bunking part on our defense, not our fault, the teacher didn't turn up, we actually waited for her!
oh by the way the new love of my life is heath ledger, never mind the fact that he is dead. *sob sob* rest of the days were quite a blur, but then came Friday. the day everyone was waiting for. the day of reckoning. the day of parents teacher meeting. yes i know i am not in school any more but my department does come up with weird meets!
so dad were gonna come, and that he did. turns out it was quite an entertaining affair, and also some parents who suggested weird ways to control our attendance, but trust me, all those ways will NEVER work! bwahahahahahaha!
also forgot to mention, taking advise from a friend i really got drenched in the rains during college hours, while the meeting was on, that has been on in mumbai since past 3-4 days! it was super fun! (i was worried about getting sick, but i am healthy as a oh by the way people in my college now think the third year biomedical central chicks are crazy! hehehe! (because basically me, krupa, sonam and bijal got drenched!) we dried our selves partially using our hand dryers in the loo...hhehehehehe!
and that my friends was the end of my week. due to my extreme poverty, i made it a week without CCD, hotel food and chocolate donuts! and yes mom no more movies this month. promise. (i still have to repay my dark knight debt.)
till later...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
so they call me up 8 p.m. yesterday while i was sleeping (why u ask me sleeping so late?? i attended a wedding i was tired! duh!) and they tell me, "you are coming for the movie tomorrow, 9.45 show either kung fu panda or Hancock", i manage saying "yeah ok" then they call up again to ask me what movie! so we decided on kung fu!~

getting there was another story given that both nidhi and darshan are too much of late comers, so after my umpteenth tantrums we made it just in the nick of time to catch the movie from the start!oh so the movie is just plain awesome! cutesy animation and super adorable panda make an enchanting favourite part of the movie is unflinchingly the first 10 mins where our hero, panda does a rajnikant with super funny dialogues! sampler "there is no charge for awesomeness and attractiveness"
after the movie was done, we had to drop off darshan's car at his place and then go to fort for the all important GRE books and even more importantly LUNCH! before that we took a detour to Benetton store where flat 50% off sale is going on, only to discover it is superbly overpriced and totally lame! after our useless detour we were off to smokin' Joe's to sink our teeth into tasty pizzas, yuuummmmmm!
then we were off to fort...had awesome cold coffee at churchgate station, got our GRE books, which are awefully heavy by the way, and a few novels, to keep me busy. so there we met nidhi's parents and then saying good bye to nidhi, me n darshan headed back to homestead. and that my friends was the end of our sojourn.
till my next adventure or movie, whatever comes first...kisses!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
jaane tu ya jaane na.....
ok, I'll stop the melodrama and my extreme measure of happiness because i went for a movie after like a month! so this movie is called "jaane tu ya jaane na" starring my new celebrity crush, imran khan (also famous for being aamir khan's nephew and guy with bushy eyebrows and cute goofy grin) and genelia..yeah i know enough of imran khan praise session.
this movie is basically about two best friends who don't realize they are in love and how perfect they are for each other until they end up with different people, the their tube light chamkos! so basically a regular Hindi movie story with awesome treatment movie wise and amazingly funny dialogues. and yeah i HAD fun! me and jinal were singing the "pappu" song with absolute gutso and swooning over the gorgeousness that's imran khan!, nidhi and i were continuously laughing on internal jokes, while poor darshan was fixed between me and nidhi not understanding a single joke, other than that hersh was pulling unni's leg and kela was sitting silent. and riddhi? she wondering what she was doing in a Hindi movie show!
my best friend, darshan, happens to be a guy, many situations in the movie totally happened to us, (ok so before you guys jump to conclusions, it does NOT imply the same thing has to happen to me!), but you know everyone should not be scared of having a best friend of the opposite sex just because the movie implies that best friends end up together. THAT IS NOT TRUE!
ok that's just what i wanted to tell everyone..!
and by the way do watch the movie, its really good!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
great vt walk!
so forget that. the main story begins when we went to colaba causeway.on reaching there it was already 4.30pm so me n forum had to leave for home as she had to reach home by 5.30 and me by 6. after all the goodbyes, we headed to CST station only to realize we had um minimal amount of money owing to humongous amount of food. so we decided to walk to CST station.
surprise neither of us knew the way. so we started with a random galli on instructions by a taxi wallah, that road took us to the one with prince of wales museum and the Jahangir art gallery. from there we took a right to land up at the lion gate. yes that does exists along with a cheetah gate and an elephant gate! taking some random rights and lefts we landed up at horniman circle and saw the majestic Asiatic library. by this time we both realised that we were going in circles so again asked instructions from a friendly neighbourhood paan wallah!
finally we were going some where. now we were passing through shady gallies and saw some agyaries we never knew existed! the shady gallies were not as much of a problem per Se, but ehm..i had decided to wear a skirt that day so yeah people were staring at my bare legs. nevertheless do i care! finally after walking about 3-4 kms i saw something familiar from the corner of my eye.......CST STATION...yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!
finally we parked our tired selves on the first train out of CST to home sweet home. and guess the best part we made it to the 5.14 train even with the extreme amount of wandering about. so me n forum have made up out mind, we are going to explore some other part of mumbai next week!
trust me when you have too much time to spare go on and explore your city, its fun! getting lost is fun! and if you are in mumbai, wear pants when you get lost because if you wear skirts, people stare!...hehehehe....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
an ode to the bubble wrap!
bubble wraps are like god sent! you can burst them all day me, you actually can! its like bursting little pods of happiness. it is a weird obsession i know, but damn it you just CANT get over it! picture this, someone gifts you a bone china statuette, and instead of admiring the fine workmanship of the statue you end up bursting all the bubbles on the bubble wrap...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fun isn't it?
the focus you can put in bursting the little bubbles is ummm a little weird but goddamnit, VERY satisfying! i have borne the wrath of my mommy dearest on numerous occasions for making the bubble wrap useless but God know that doesn't stop me. i just love the PHAT PHAT PHUT sound that goes with bursting the nice little bubbles.
let me just make it clear i am not a serial bubble killer but OMG i cant stop my weird little obsession!
mr.whoever-invented-bubble-wrap i am in awe...thank you for creating such a wonderful creation which gives me such a release..ok so now that i have said it, i feel awesome. and now i am off to de-bubble a bubble wrap.wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
im surprized!
so i am majorly addicted to webcomics, my favorite being and you guys should definitely check them out. pintsize is so my favorite character of all times after Calvin of Calvin n Hobbes fame!
other then that I've got to shop...! two weddings in a row. damn all my first cousins are getting married one by one and i am majorly worried that some random xyz match making aunty will daunt my mom with wedding nonsense given that i am 20!
also so finally my second harrowing year in engineering is over whoppiieeeee!!!!! hopefully i clear everything i am little doubtful about one paper..
ok so now that everyone is updated about my life....lets end this here...when i get a good topic again I'll start blabbering!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
oh damn!
my semester 4 exams are sitting right on top of my head (commencing on 22nd may by the way.) and what do i do? yeah sit online, watch tv, read comics, write useless blogs, and talk on the phone! so i know i should be studying but when you have subjects that i have, how can you!
i know people are going to be pissed if i tell them " the way, i still haven't completed 2 chapters of the subject" but lets face it, its the truth. so i tried studying last night and the night before and the night before, with NO success whatsoever. i can be up talking on the phone or watching tv or chatting till 3-4 in the night but studying? NOT A CHANCE! so if anyone has any advices they should let me know..i am desperate!
P.S. even offline messages will do!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
i found you
this one is dedicated to all my bestest friends who are and will always be there for me!
thank you! mwaaah! you guys know who you are. =)
watching through an open window,
wondering if anyone knows
what it feels like to be me
how alone i can be.
in the crowd of friends,
i seemed like the stranger,
everyone was immersed in laughter
while i think n feel sombre.
every little wish,
every little dream,
had seemed to fall apart before my eyes,
i wish i was smarter,i wish i was wise.
but out of no where
you came along.
like a fresh breeze of the sea,
you came to me.
past faded away,
new dawn arrived.
my fake laughter died somehow,
in its place was that true happy glow.
my friend, couldn't have you come earlier
i wondered as i looked at you.
it would have been easier,
because i know you would have made it disappear.
suddenly i feel all better,
suddenly life is so beautiful.
it was fresh and new,
because i knew i had you.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
ha and i thought it was possible in good indian movies and cheesy novels!
so despite all the melodrama in my life, as of now i am happy and super content with my life. thanks to some amazing people and end of stupid vivas (;p)
so i tried writing a few words on that. so ended up with the lines below. hope u guys like it. =)
My long suffering has ended.
Gone are the sharp pains only partially blunted by morphine.
Like winter into summer, my tears are now perpetually frozen
Into the joy of being happy.
Stillness for me reflexes a lack of suffering,
and that is my happy ending.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
the inconvenient truth
i made up my mind last night. i am going to be a little more eco-friendly each day! no more plastic bags, its time to finally use my paper bag collection. switching of lights in the rooms where it isnt required. and no more switching AC unless absolutely required. no more littering. let me just start with little things, then I'll take steps further, because in the words of mr.gore, what we take for granted today will not be around for generations to come unless we do something.
this should visit them.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
home sweet home!
lets face it where else in mumbai is there a place from where 2 national highways are walking distance, and it takes 20 minutes to both new mumbai AND vt! not to mention it is almost the geographical center of mumbai. plus Wikipedia even has an entry for it! doesn't matter if its just 3 lines long! so if Wikipedia says it exisits then yes it does.
so the other day i was talking to my cousin, he had a funny story to tell. his cousin (maternal) was supposed to visit him in chunnu. so he told him to take a ric from the suburbs. poor guy, instead of chunabhatti he happened to say chuparpati. the smart ric fellow dropped him off at Dharavi! now Nilay bhai had a task of finding him, and the only thing he knew was that cousin was near a slum. now only if he knew, whole Dharavi is a freaking slum!
stories aside. let me tell you the best part of being a chunnu-ite. we have a bus depot, a train station AND a rickshaw/taxi stand. ha! plus an authentic gaon type market with old aunties fighting et al. And for the religious people, there also happens to be a 100 yr old jain temple.
other random trivia courtesy wikipedia:
Chunabhatti is a suburb of Mumbai. It is also the name of a railway station on the Mumbai suburban railway on the Harbour line.
Chunabhatti (Chuna - lime, bhatti - kiln) is home to the first cotton mill in Mumbai (Bombay), which was registered in 1886 as 'Swadeshi Mills' by late Jamshedji Tata.
Chunabhatti | ||||
Next station south: Guru Tegh Bahadur Nagar | Mumbai suburban railway : Central Railway (Harbour Line) | Next station north: Kurla | ||
Stop No:10 | KM from starting:13 | Platforms:2 |
oh btw if you are interested in seeing my building from the top visit: