Friday, September 19, 2008

my favourite place!

i pass through Bandra every single day while i am going to college or otherwise and i always stare at the abnormally cheerful yellow and green skywalk at the horizon. so last Tuesday while i was supremely bored to go and follow my daily grind of going to college and coming back home, i took a pit stop. on an impulse just got down off my train and went to the skywalk. and trust me i am glad i went and now my favouritest place in whole wide world is "Bandra Skywalk"

so i love simply walking. that's what i did. its almost like 1.3 kms long. i walked the whole way and back. it was so peaceful. i totally recommend it. also its NEVER crowded. after Tuesday i think i went there thrice already. me armed with my trusty ipod go for walks whenever i get the chance. if u are in Mumbai, i would really suggest you to go there. preferably alone. spend time with yourself, you'll love it.

oh and by the way, next time if anyone cant find me most, you know where to start searching. just so you know. =)


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