lets start with my school friends. all of it is in alphabetical order. so no one is allowed to hate me.

1. Aditi Shah: (bottom left)
so we are friends since 8th i guess. one crazy chick talks non stop and we get along pretty well, because lets face it we are both crazy. she probably doesn't know but she introduced me to joys of ICED TEA. so shes in pune now. and we missya adi!
2. Bhakti Shah:(mid top)
so i hate her! lol we share a unique love-hate relationship. sometimes i don't understand what the eff is wrong with her and sometimes god shes the best. we know each other since like 5th std. short and bossy! really! don't hate me bhagat!
3. Dimpee Shah:(bottom right)
she is one of the "science chics" which includes me and dolly. lol. doing something in medical field, which i conveniently forget. =p. we call her chindi because she is one! and yeah her status is eternally unknown. she keeps us guessing.
4. Dolly Doshi:(middle)
probabaly i am the closest with dolly among all my school mates. know her since 5th i guess. my kiddo she is. knowing me you guys will think god can someone be and act more kiddish than me. well yes. she is one free spirit and great artist. we've been together not only in school but also in junior college. we have done MANY kiddas most of which i can't put here. =p
5. Drashti Parekh:(top right)
GOSSIP..lol that is what she has probably a P.Hd. she is miss know all. we call her BBC. which totally apt. these days she is living on a diet of leaves. apparently she is dieting. oh she can crack pjs. hell lot of them.
6. Forum Gandhi:(bottom middle)
ok i don't even remember since when i know her. i changed all three schools with her. she is the dharmist of the group. we have lots of memories, doing stupid things, overnights, flood stories etc! since she's been studying interiors now, my dad has already given her job to design my room when shes done studying. =)
7. Raashi Shah:(top left)
i know her since jr. kg. really. i think we never got along when we were in primary school but now we get along famously. she has weird passion for weird colour shoes and bags. we share our *ehhem* stories and then laugh. and yes she always reminds me "tell your parents to go out of town, i miss our overnights!"
next up. college ppl.
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