Thursday, January 1, 2009

buddies part 3

this part is all the people who don't fit into school or college category..

1. Jaini Sheth:(no pic)
my friend since what or something. i remember going to her house when i was in 1st or 2nd standard to play. and i had to make sure one of my cousins or the watchman drop me there becasue i wasn't allowed to cross the road alone. she takes million years to get ready and is really hardworking. we have to take appointments to meet her, because if she changes her clothes she can't come and meet us!

2. Johnathan Hansen:(tight bottom corner)
hes the only purely net friend of mine back from the days when i was on myspace. so hes from hawaii and in the US Marines. super fun to talk to and once upon a time used to call me Indian Lady because he still can't prononce my name properly. real sweetheart. 

3. Krishma Mehta: (not in the pic)
i know her since what 7th or 8th. practically grown up in her house, still i didn't get her pure jain lifestyle. =p hell lot of memories together, michael's tutions and overnights and five gardens. gowd! yes her fridge still gets raided everytime i am at her house!

4. Manjula Ramchandran: (top right corner)
we met in 10th tutions. got along REALLY well. used to make fun of krishma and irritate her a hell lot! she used lived next door to Forum so used to do time pass from the windows as well! oh yes and the awesome plum cake at her house. yum! now she is in banglore and goddamn we have to meet soon manjula!

5. Mausam Buch:(middle)
one of my sweetest friend. we have crap loads of memories of going for a walk to BM's to bitch about someone. we hardly ever meet but when we do we catch up right from we left off. we have a weird connection. we talk about our so called problems and then come up with even stupider ways to counter it!

6. Miral Shethia:(bottom left corner)
one of my good friends. since he is not in india as of now whenever i can't sleep i call him up rather than disturbing people who are sleeping! so he dj's cracks pj's and plays football and yeah is real weird at times!

7. Niraj Sanghvi:(top left corner)
over smart v-zay-ti-aai he is. always jaloing me that his exams go over before mine! but yes we talk a lot of nonsence all the time, mostly its bitching about our respective universties and society in general!

9. Nirmala Sheshadri: (mid bottom)
one of my closest friends from jr. college, but sadly we are out of contact because for some weird reason she doesn't pick up the phone. not only mine but all of ours. we are kind of very similar nature wise and intellectual level wise as well. love ya, missya!

10. Pooja Jadhav: (not in the pic)
psycho! my jc friend. super fun, motor mouth and extremely dangerous! we have done lots of kidas on account of Reshma. also we have a history of doing random things at random times. like prank calling people from the pco booth!

11. Reshma Chawla: (not in the picture)
no one is more chalu than this chick! CRAZY. super fun and extremely random. you cannot just predict her. lives her life on her terms and totally enjoys while doing so. she taught me how to enjoy saying bitch! and also told one of my crushes that i had a crush on him becasue she thought it'll be fun to watch!

12. Sharang Krishnan: (top mid)
we met in the junior college as well. though we never talked much in the college, but we became great friends later. hes my top timepass and he does enjoy screwing his own brains by talking to me. (at least that's what i'd like to think) we can go on and on on random topics!

so yeah that's about it. most of my close friends i've put in. hope you guys liked this! =)

buddies part 2

college people. there are about 23 people. i hope i can put the locations wrt to the collage.

1. Abhijit Sapre:(bottom left)
asshole he is!(in a funny weird way) fun to be around, cracks the craziest jokes and is game to watch crappiest of movies. poker is what he lives for and Old monk is his god. yeah also not only he is over smart also he is currently my college's sports captain. likes being called Abby. 

2. Aditya Jain (jain):(second row from bottom, first on the right side)
Crazy. all the jokes that happen have happened to someone in his family or friends. i thought he was a quiet nice boy when i first met him. boy i was wrong! expert in kandi maro-ing. oh and he has HOTS for someone! hes a good guy great with consoling and pacifying someone, ok me.

3. Aditya Pandya (pandya):(top row, third from the right) 
one word. KAMINA. pj master. you never know what is going in the funny little head of his. is always smiling. i don't think I've seen him angry so far. also yeah when we are deciding where to go for a movie or lunch, lets go somewhere in malad. because he lives there.

4. Akshay Parmar:(second row from top, first on left)
"eeee deee naa reee" has craziest hair. his recent fad is to wear wool hairband. brilliant in studies and sports. sprinting, football. oh and he eats like all of us combined!

5. Arpit Jain:(bottom row, second from the right)
he is the punchbag of all the girls in the class. yeah and he does "teri kasam" with a cross. juvenile i know! my company in the library when no one else is coming to college. yes it is irritating sometimes when he continuously raps. idol: eminem.

6. Aniruddh Unni:(second row from the top, second from left)
he is i don't know how to describe. funny maybe, also a himmesh fan. loves singing crappy songs. talks in a typical unni way. (we call him unni) he is really sweet. oh and we have a special category of jokes know as unni jokes.

7. Anuradha Hunnur:(top row, first)
brilliant as brilliant people come. probably the only one to read that fat huge fuckall neamen. but despite this she is fun loving and NOT a nerd. never fails to surprise people with her slowly emerging personality.

8. Chintan Shah:( second row from the top, first from right)
sabse sharif bacha. really really sweet. fun to be with and awesome company. cracks crappy jokes. always available when you need him. yes he STILL hasn't taken me to the beach like he promised.=( 

9. Darshan Shah:(second row from bottom, second from right)
he is my best friend. always right there. crappy jokes are his forte. we fight like cats and dogs but then we always somehow sort it out. he is my go-to man in case i get into trouble or feel troubled. i am lucky to have a best friend like him.

10. Gargi Phadnis:(second row from the bottom, third from left)
looks seedhi saadhi but in terms of masti, she is far from it. always makes weird faces in the lectures she hates, but somehow is absent in most of our outings. oh and psst: she has a shaikh in Dubai. =)

11. Hersh Desai:(second row from the bottom, first on left)
someone once described him as a "BLONDIEEE" he is the source of all TV series on my hard disk! hes a nice weird guy. but then who isn't. yes he loves to show off his new apple laptop. his current job includes asking everyone for the money for the dharamshala trip. 

12. Jinal Mody:(second roe from the bottom, second on left)
ok i blame her for all my impromptu CCD outings. also one of the most easiest person to talk to when you need someone to listen to all your incessant blabberings. is a little dumbo at times but its ok, who isn't. and yes her downfall? we have to explain every pj to her. REALLY!

13. Krupa Mehta:(bottom row, second from the left)
bewdi central girl! (other central girls include me and sonam) we end up wearing same colour clothes to college somehow, its telepathic! her cellphone is the envy of every eye. and she is the secret crush of millions. =p super fun to be with. total kiddo. and a fellow shin chan lover!

14. Mihir Shah:(not in the pic =( )
my partner in crime when we are irritating darshan. and it is mostly both of us at darshan's house to make sense of lots of study material. not in my class but yeah a pretty good friend.

15. Mruganshi Shukla:(bottom right corner)
girl with the weirdest name and the hugest eyes and shortest height. i pity her for what a mess people make of her name. real good friend always helpful and my voice on conscience. oh we took admission on the same day, so i guess i know her longer than most of other people!

16. Nidhi Shetty:(top row, second from the left)
my tuinssss! top grade nautanki and pj queen. is super fun to be with and always game to go have fun. usually my only company when we are out with all the guys. oh yes we don't mess with nidhi. ever.

17. Pankti Shah:(top right corner)
my next roll number, saviour when i get the courage to copy. loves doing time pass and an awesome dancer. lives nearest to college but somehow is ALWAYS late! has an infectious laughter and is a sleepy head!

18. Pranav Patil:(top row, second from right)
silent species. talks very little but when does, good jokes come out of his mouth. hes shifted to Kingston so we meet very less though whenever i run into him i get a good hi!

19. Rushita Gandhi:(second row from the top, second from right)
saaaaaali size zero she is. you should really compare the pics from first year and now! also she is miss worli and we cannot live without bisleri. yes even gola should be bisleri! good extortionist she is. saali prod!

20. Riddhi Vyas:(second row from the top, third from right)
don't go by her picture. no no. she is little terrorist+rocker. awesome vocalist and even awesome-er study partner and shoo everyone away from the table mate. also the source of all wickedness! oh we will never forget your great Pawan irritating episode!

21. Shivani Chitalia:(second row from the top, third from left)
miss camera shy. it is so difficult to get her to pose! really! gets me oreos and chocolates so i love her. also really helpful when you are full on tensed on a day before exam when you still haven't started the portion. =p talking crap is so much fun when she is around. also if you even want to make sure she runs away, start cracking potty jokes!

22. Sonam Chedda:(top middle)
female Jain she is. looks super sharif but is a full on prankster, without her phone she is nothing. really always stuck on her phone. likes to do crazy stuff at times. but most of the time she is just watching the fun!

23. Trusha Parekh:(second row from the bottom, 4th from left)
dude talk a bit please! really introvert but sometimes when she is in mood she can crack really stupid jokes. oh and she has the most gorgeous house! shes into stock market and stuff. what i don't understand is how she manages being awesome in studies and otherwise!?

next up concluding part of the series!

buddies!! part.1

so since my dumb friends have STILL not sent me their pictures, i am going ahead with the people whose pics i have..

lets start with  my school friends. all of it is in alphabetical order. so no one is allowed to hate me.

1. Aditi Shah: (bottom left)
so we are friends since 8th i guess. one crazy chick talks non stop and we get along pretty well, because lets face it we are both crazy. she probably doesn't know but she introduced me to joys of  ICED TEA. so shes in pune now. and we missya adi!

2. Bhakti Shah:(mid top)
so i hate her! lol we share a unique love-hate relationship. sometimes i don't understand what the eff is wrong with her and sometimes god shes the best. we know each other since like 5th std. short and bossy! really! don't hate me bhagat!

3. Dimpee Shah:(bottom right) 
she is one of the "science chics" which includes me and dolly. lol. doing something in medical field, which i conveniently forget. =p. we call her chindi because she is one! and yeah her status is eternally unknown. she keeps us guessing. 

4. Dolly Doshi:(middle)
probabaly i am the closest with dolly among all my school mates. know her since 5th i guess. my kiddo she is. knowing me you guys will think god can someone be and act more kiddish than me. well yes. she is one free spirit and great artist. we've been together not only in school but also in junior college. we have done MANY kiddas most of which i can't put here. =p

5. Drashti Parekh:(top right) that is what she has probably a P.Hd. she is miss know all. we call her BBC. which totally apt. these days she is living on a diet of leaves. apparently she is dieting. oh she can crack pjs. hell lot of them.

6. Forum Gandhi:(bottom middle)
ok i don't even remember since when i know her. i changed all three schools with her. she is the dharmist of the group. we have lots of memories, doing stupid things, overnights, flood stories etc! since she's been studying interiors now, my dad has already given her job to design my room when shes done studying. =)

7. Raashi Shah:(top left)
i know her since jr. kg. really. i think we never got along when we were in primary school but now we get along famously. she has weird passion for weird colour shoes and bags. we share our *ehhem* stories and then laugh. and yes she always reminds me "tell your parents to go out of town, i miss our overnights!"

next up. college ppl. 

resolutions 2009

happy new year to all!!

so these are my last year's resolution

lets see how many i managed..i think i managed most of these accept i didn't get to slap any guy =(
yeah and i stopped biting my nail, really! they are a wee bit grown and painted black. yes don't get shocked that i put nail paints first time since i was 6!

this year's resolutions lets see...

1. start exercising. i look like a hippo these days!

2. grow my hair. by the year end i promise they are going to reach my elbow!

3. get a tattoo done. money is being saved!

4. stop binge-ing on ice cream every other day.

5. get one more piercing. (ok for this i am going to take permission)

6. try to sleep before 3 in the night on regular basis. we do not want to be an insomniac.

7. try to be safe and healthy.

8. get my voting card done.(i filled up the form now i am waiting for the goddamn election commion to open up accepting booths!)

if i think up more i'll put it on! kisses!