Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I haven't been writing because I am really just running around..for those of you who don't know, i relocated from my wonderful chunnu to a new place which is in a new town in a new country on another continent. Was talking to a friend, he writes a blog too, that reminded oh well didn't I have one too? So I ended up reading my own blog (I was supposed to be studying), remembered all the situations and the state of mind I have written the previous ones. I can recall each and every feeling I felt while writing them, guess that does make me an open book!

This blog was my escape, and I hope to keep it that way, at least try to. Whenever I have been low or sad or happy or excited I have let it out on this in my own weird ways. I've been blogging since I was 18! long time huh..

I guess what I am trying to say this baby is back in business! I am going to try to post at least once every month, i need to keep a chronicle of my life so I can someday come back to it and be amazed how much my life and people in it have changed!

till next month,
lots of love!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

dont know what to write.

i am so out of my element its crazy! i think of writing but i simply cant. nothing gets to me. so while i am really bored i just thought I'd write something. so we went to Lonavala a few weeks ago, you know just kinda a day trip. Friday morning we decided on it and on Saturday off we went! poor Darshan, he planned the whole thing, injured his leg on Friday, and couldn't come. it was hanging out kinds. oh but the fun we had! also i gave my LONG pending birthday treat there.

this week it was treat time for rest of the people, namely - Krupa, Hersh, Darshan and Satya. pending since November! after so much wait it rather be good so, we went to hard rock cafe. madness unfolded. (cousins, i am no DHEELI) by the time those waiters got on the platform to do their YMCA dance i was so much in the dancy-mood that i wanted to join them! which i couldn't so i danced near our table! yaay to me!

so as of now i don't have anything else to add. let me me get back from Coorg (going on 3rd march) maybe then I'll have more to share.


P.S: by the way i came across this charity "30 dollar finance" via a friend, you guys should check it out. only kicker is they don't have a credit card facility yet, still you can contribute via checks or paypal. (www.30df.org)

Friday, January 29, 2010

advices and then some...

dedication: this one is for someone who told me,*quote* for gods sake please at least write nonsense instead of just staring at space if you have no work! *unquote*

in the past few days, apart from giving various advices i have been on the receiving end of quite a few. since a few hours i have been going back in time and analysing a lot of things, which for some reason had taken for granted. (i know this is sounding a bit gibberish, but you we all have our gibberish moments)

so one of my friends has been having a tough time with a best friend. fights, misunderstandings and such. person that i am, i sit and give advices - do this, do that. that's when i realise, i should take my own advices sometimes. at least 2 of my friends WILL agree that i give really good advices, i wonder why i don't follow them myself!

i have my demons. A LOT OF THEM. why do i try figuring them alone when i am clearly not much of a keeping-my-problems-to-myself kind of a person? (it usually ends with me losing my head or me ending up crying, either of them not good for me or anyone around me!) i think i tend to over analyse the situation, which gets me into deeper shit and wrong or misinterpreted ideas. (sometimes i am right ok!)

one theory is i am too damn stubborn. i resist change even if sometimes change is required and is for good. so i am left behind in an make believe idealist world where everything goes my way. ok maybe half of it can be true, but i definitely don't live in a make believe world.

the other theory is, i don't trust anyone at all. one person, maybe two. that's all the people i trust. that's why when i get upset, there might be no one to pacify me or make me think rational thoughts. and Nirali : upset? SCARY. i guess i should make more friends.

anyways done with grumbling..if anyone is interested in more disjointed ideas please feel free to chat or call me up. oh if by any chance anyone has another theory or can deduct why i have my whys, do let me know.