Monday, January 28, 2008


so new mantra in my life is being happy come what may..because lets face it life's too short to cry and whine all the time. i am gonna smile always (that's the plan as of now). through all the fights and disappointments and sad times. my anger is a big problem as most of you already know, to control it i am going to smile. if i want to pull off someones head from their bodies, i am going to refrain from doing that, and smile. if someone irritates me, i'll do nothing but smile back. i don't know if that works but what do i lose in trying. nothing. zilch.

so everyone listen to me, today's moral of the story is smile. just smile.

You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there.

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.

Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

statement of purpose in life

we have one life to live. one life to do everything we wish for. one life to dream and fulfill them. one life to ease a little suffering in lives around you. just one life and so much to do. isn't it funny how everything to us is always about us. me. i.

so i have made up my mind it is not going to be that way any longer. it is no longer going to be all about me. its not going to be about what i want, but making others happy is going to be my goal. in this endless selfish life if i can perhaps spare a while for others i am going to be happiest person. and this comes not after endless brain washing speeches by big saints and suchlike but after my own experiences. the best smile is that which you acquire on seeing people happy around you, because of you. the only time you feel satisfied is not after acquiring that huge paycheck or getting a promotion or winning an acknowledgment, but from realizing that you made someone happy.

i know it is not that easy job to do. but it is what i want. see how "i" creeps up everywhere?

so you know what, just smile it just might make someones day!(like mine)

Monday, January 21, 2008

10 rules to date me.. the other day in my usual jobless glory i met up with one of my friends and one thing led to another and somehow we ended up talking about all the stupid couples we i made up my mind..and these are the rules i am gonna impose if ever "see" some guy!

1.the guy has to live at least 3 kms away from home and not be in my in case we break up i don't have to see his wretched face until i am in my senses again.

2.not talking on the phone more than an hour ok maybe two. (how can anyone stand the same person's voice the whole day is beyond me!) issuing fatwas! look i don't care if you don't like my friends i like them, make your peace with them. more than 2 dates a week. i have other work as well.

5.if my phone bills go above 500 a month, the guy has to pay!

6.make peace with the fact that i will be seen with other guys because lets face it, i have lots many guy friends.

7.don't expect me to tell the guy every little thing.i forget stuff quite easily.and by the way for that i have many best friends and boyfriends seldom make best friends.

8.i can't stand stupid nicknames so please refrain. no i am no ones coochi-co or honey pie or kiddo.

9.i don't like whiners..please don't load me with 500 problems, i have my own.

10.oh and i like surprises. just so everyone knows. =)

so yeah that's it. if i think of anything else i'll add

Sunday, January 20, 2008

move over globalization..hello indianization!

have you ever wondered where the world is going these days? with the advent of communication and faster transport facilities world is fast becoming one big family, not necessarily happy one at that. and they attribute everything to globalization. well i beg to differ.

i live in India, the next big thing according to every magazine. being Indian has its own quirks. we tend to turn everything to our style. its doesn't matter whether we talk about language, cuisine or even festivals. English is a funny language they say, which can be moulded into anything. best example: hinglish. (which by the way is a real word defined in oxford dictionary as mixture of Hindi and English) its so not uncommon these days to listen something like, "i toh don't like how he talks" or perhaps u mush have heard, "woh potato kitne ka diya?" or maybe lets list songs like, "what is mobile no? what is your style no? karni hai private bate, dede koi easy no.."
enough said.

or maybe take a trip to any indian restaurants, i'll bet anything that u'd find something like paneer pasanda pizza, aloo tikki burger or even lasuni tortilla (!)

you should visit india during western holidays and u'd see the Indian twist in an instant. diyas, and poojas during Christmas, and thats just a start!

go to some country where there is sizable Indian population, you'll see the difference from the locals. we believe making home where ever we go.

so u know..sometimes i think its not globalization thats been on..its indianization..

long live India!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

about me

so you think you know me. most people think that. and no one is to blame. i do let people think just that. i don't know why i am writing this topic but then lets face it i don't have any other

i have two sides, one what everyone sees so as to say my public interface, which is all happy happy and smiling and good. while there is another side, violent, rebellious, nasty, troubled and selfish. why am i making this public you ask me. my answer is, so you know, that i cant always be the nice girl you have come to know of me and if i hurt you, you know i gave you a warning.

what causes this split in my personality, frankly i don't have any idea whatsoever. but beneath this tough smiling exterior there a fragile person, who cries when someone wrongs her and yet doesn't say a word, who lets go the best things in her life because it'll make someone or the other happy, who'd not wish bad for even people she doesn't like at all, who wants to be hugged at least five times a day. but that story lets leave it for some other time.

and my other side? you better wish it doesn't come out any time soon. because it believes only in destroying everything and i am myself afraid of it.

ok if i have scared/bored you enough by writing long pravachans as some say. I'll stop. yeah now we can all go to being happy again. smile!

Monday, January 14, 2008

gossip and more

ok so i admit i enjoy gossiping, i can't deny it. we'll am i not supposed to? i am a girl and as far as i've heard thats how we are wired. maybe i am not the girly kind of girl but still lets face it, i enjoy gossip. the harmless one that is. part of growing up and the teenage years is relentless gossiping. its everything from who-is-dating-whom game to who-has-the-best-dress-sense to whose-brother-is-the-hottest. and when i say i gossip-ed u better believe, for i am no saint. i have done it all, spread rumours, given data on the newest hotties, investigated if a so-and-so rumour is true.the best part of my job description was being in everybodies good books. "the girl who knew it all!"

but u know they say karma comes to haunt you. i now belive it. turns out, it is always tit or tat. and you understand that when you are the center of a bigtime gossip news.from my college whoever is gonna read this will agree with me, that i have been part of many-a big scandals. ( scandal implies huge gossips that everyone who knows you know and maybe even some more). that includes mostly the big guessing game that finally is the my guy which, by the way, is totally absurd given that i am perhaps destined to be single and love my status. and also the eternal nirali is more that friends with x or y or z. i never know, when they tease me i have to ask whos the latest one.

i can't complain you see. because perhaps i actully find it really funny! i am weird, i know.(wiring problem as famously someone told me once) and secretly i like being in the news. i am a wee bit of an attention seeker =)
also let me tell you i cannot hide stuff from people i like (like as in whom i trust as friends) so people who really matter do know everything that been going on with me. so yeah you guys can enjoy all the new gossip that come up on one condition do tell me about it so i can laugh with you. and if it somehow turns up to be the truth i swear i wont lie. that's a promise.


i travel by our very own mumbai locals, whoever does travel by it surely know the consequences of travelling in them. awesome conversation tit-bits. so this is some genuine stuff that i overheard. this girl was talking on the phone, i am assuming it must be some equally dimwit person on the other end. i gather they were discussing the weather.yeah really.what i am typing is the monlogue that the girl went on to give, i would really like to know what the other person did reply.
girl: you know savi, they weather is so freakish. the other day i went to the theatre(i think it was some weird dombivali kandivali theatre) was raining in the theatre..yeah..i mean and it was october.

2.girl "in dire need of geography lessons" on the phone: no but doesnt egypt come in europe? old aunty to the ticket checker,(she was caught without ticket in the first class): but madam tc, for old people its ok to travel in first class without ticket.

4.topping that a rather well dressed lady with a huge physiology textbook: i cant read.

5.a really intellegent 6 yr old girl asked her mom, "why are school boys allowed in ladies compartment?"
mother: because below 12 yrs they come under children catogory and are allowed in ladies compartment.
girl: are boys really girls when they are below 12? a rather choc-a-block train wherein you could hardly breathe this one lady had the guts to tell this other female, "why are you stamping my dupatta?"

7.ok this one is my favourite.
i was carrying my usual 2 and a half kilo bag, and pushed and pulled to get in this train (my pass had expired so had to travel by second class). and one madam tells me "why do people carry bags?"

ok so i cant remember any more..if i do will surely add them.

please note:some of them are translated from hindi and marathi

Saturday, January 12, 2008

few songs i missed out the last time!

67. drowning-backstreet boys

68.i'll always be right there-bryan adams

69.i swear it all over again-westlife

70. sail away-rasmus
(just coz i cant stand odd numbers!!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


it really doesn't matter that i might be the most unrealistic person on the planet and also one of the most dreamer type personalities as well. well yeah so i dream like a mad person and always am in my own sweet little world that probably exists in some parallel universe. god you should see the adventures i undertake in my mind. must have climbed the highest mountain and swam the hugest of oceans and traveled to the most amazing places there can exist. and come to think of it i am proud that i still dream and haven't become one of those cardboard cut-out people there are these days.i don't just think of the future or how i did in xyz paper or what impression i made on abc person. i don't write for others nor do i things so as to impress anyone but me.i love me. and that is important to me.

i take my joys out of the most silliest things.i am different and i love it.i like to be the "kid" who-doesn't-know-what-to-say-to-whom amongst people because i am at least not a two faced person who says on thing and does something else. yeah you can always pretend to be someone else so people think you are nice but i refuse to do so. because quite frankly i am not anyone else. take it or leave it. honesty is another brutal thing which most people refrain from saying but i dont. someone has to be truthful. maybe its my curse or blessing i don't know.i will dream on. if they come true or not is not my concern, i keep the faith.

the point is, don't be someone else and hate yourself at the end of the can be anything and everything you wish proud of who u don't tell me,my friend, what i cant do or cant be because i am the most amazing person i know, and i can achieve anything i want, its just that i am content, i am happy with being just me. so better except me as i am or its entirely your loss.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

nirali's theory of chaos

i have various theories in my life which i don't necessarily follow. but there is this theory of chaos which i totally and unfazingly follow to utter dismay of everyone around me. so the theory is "when you try to mess up things they become right and when you try to make things right some how you mess up." chaotic eh?

happens to me every single i have made up my mind, no more trying to set things right because the chances are they wont be what i want it to lets make things better, by messing them up.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


new year, new resolutions. never mind that last year's resolution didn't even last two months! lolz...
so with the big holler we announce the oncoming of new year and everyone is on their feet deciding what they will "supposedly" will give up and what they will try to learn and do. with so much peer/family/xyz pressure you *haveto* make resolutions you like it or not! so this is my list..or in better words what I'll try to achieve and most likely fail miserably!

(p.s. if i am not very original its not my fault, i was made to make some resolutions!)

1.i will give up biting my nails.

2.i will try and talk a wee bit less so as to bore less number of people.

3.i will not treat my hair like they don't exist.

4.i will keep in touch with every tom dick and harry on my phone book list just because some how they like sending me smses.

5.i will not stare, like a mad person, at every hottie that happens to pass my way.

6.i will share, on asking, my poem book no matter how stupid my poems are.

7.i will not miss lunches because i am still in bed.

8.i will make sense when talking.

9.i will slap at least one guy.(this is just for fun! but i hope i get to do it! =))

10.lastly, i will not threaten people to make sure my work is done.

last words: yeah i know i am so not going to follow any of it!! esp 10! so yeah be ready for more threats coming your way!

hugs and kisses!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

happy new yr!

most people think i have a grouse against my parents that they wont let me go to the hot new party of the year, frankly its not so. actually i'd like to thank them! i mean i still don't get the idea how ppl enjoy in that fataak environment. yeah i know you can so to say dance the night away and all that but you gotta show me one party where you can do so with full confidence!

first hour or so is pure dance i agree and then it gets out of control. most of the next three hours go in making sure no one pukes on you and taking care that none of those drunk ppl try to act fresh with you. not quite an ideal way to ring in a new year, is it?

i prefer quite dinners and hollering the new year!think what if the world was really coming to an end on 31st wouldn't you want to spend it with ppl you love (and those who are not so drunk)?
so thats how my 31st was. quite dinner with some friends at this nice hotel, samrat or status i am not sure, at churchgate/marine drive. than shouting our lungs out at the stroke of midnight. and than acting like drunk when actually none of us had any thing more than a stupid ice tea/fruit punch and that horrendous orange blossom.

hey and yeah if i didn't call you at the stroke of midnight last night don't blame me! blame airtel! damn thing shut my outgoing!!!!

"happy new yr!!!!"
