Friday, February 29, 2008

leap of faith!

this is the day that comes once in 4 years. yeah four years. that IS a long Olympic games are held, a football world cup comes and goes n so does a cricket ones too. the point is leap yr day is one of the nicest day even though it means or has no importance watsoever. it probably exisits because some dumb guy felt bad for February and when he was told about a quarter day a yr he put it right in feb.

okay my dumb theory aside, feb has been an awesome month for many things going my way. one more best friends, new jokes, new happiness(es), new pet names and also new results (!) my first first class in engineering and i am soooooo proud! someone out there must have put hell let lot of hours into praying for me!

so ok. i have nothing more to add..i am officially out of words!!

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