Friday, April 4, 2008

in search of heaven

WARNING:ok this is going to be a little philosophical so people not interested can take a hike.

everyone is looking for their piece of heaven. you me everybody. for some people heaven is being rich/successful, for some its finding recognition, while for some it is finding someone to share their life with. but they don't know the truth which i, dare say, have realized is not about all this, but is about enjoying your own self. being happy with who you are and not try being someone else.

i know my knowledge about the world is quite little, almost minuscule, but nevertheless i would make this statement. i maybe idealist and i know by the end of this i will have 5000 people telling me, "honey its not how it works" but I'll take my chances.

let me tell you how it works. see basic idea is if you can be happy with yourself you can be happy always. one very wise guy (you know who u are!) told me "cause of all evil is desires" but still we don't stop desiring.
we desire to be happy, we desire to be beautiful, we desire to be envied but somewhere we stop being ourselves. And that, my friend, is "evil"

so instead of preaching you lots of stuff i will just tell you to be happy with yourself. there is nothing wrong with you. you are who you are, God intended you to be the way you are. make a point everyday to stop and look at your beautiful reflection on the mirror every morning and tell yourself how special you are and the world is incomplete without you! trust me your days will go awesome!

now i'll cut my philosophy short, in case any of you want more of this..feel free to contact me. i can go on and on and on (on this topic at least!)

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