Thursday, January 1, 2009

resolutions 2009

happy new year to all!!

so these are my last year's resolution

lets see how many i managed..i think i managed most of these accept i didn't get to slap any guy =(
yeah and i stopped biting my nail, really! they are a wee bit grown and painted black. yes don't get shocked that i put nail paints first time since i was 6!

this year's resolutions lets see...

1. start exercising. i look like a hippo these days!

2. grow my hair. by the year end i promise they are going to reach my elbow!

3. get a tattoo done. money is being saved!

4. stop binge-ing on ice cream every other day.

5. get one more piercing. (ok for this i am going to take permission)

6. try to sleep before 3 in the night on regular basis. we do not want to be an insomniac.

7. try to be safe and healthy.

8. get my voting card done.(i filled up the form now i am waiting for the goddamn election commion to open up accepting booths!)

if i think up more i'll put it on! kisses!

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